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Sunday, February 25, 2007

3 for 69!

woke up with the craziest headache and got no meds avail and was too tired to go out and get some...good reason to go to church few hours after lunch...then had some pizza for dinner at Shakey's...went to the department store to buy some stuff and found these...

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...guess i gotta retire spendin' some cash on my Calvin's hehehe

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...peek a boo! hehehe

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...bite me...grrr!

...but then again i think i'm gonna stick to my CK's for this time :)

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...enough reason for me to pop another Advil and doze off :)


Anonymous said...

haha.. stick to your Calvs, ash. They look scary! =)

Unknown said...

yeah they kinda do...specially that yellow one with the neon devil print hehehe