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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"Lizards" on HEROES and a RED gatecrash

...back to blogging again...i got this site neglected for quite a few weeks now...i remember doing this stuff almost everyday...guess there's just not much happening with my life or maybe i'm too busy to go write about it...

...watched the 2nd episode for HEROES titled "Lizard" - all about Claire this time, cutting her toe and having them grow back...amazing...and Peter Petrelli's new look is super hotness...

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...u can download the whole 2nd episode here: - 350MB

or here: - 350MB

...and some late post over the weekend...crashed a friend's RED event :) got a shot of vodka, danced a little, did some photo op and then home

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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