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Sunday, November 12, 2006

sad and depressing...pakshet!!!

...this is one of those days that i had a real taste of what a true friend really is...remember the old cliche' "a friend in need is a friend indeed" actually i can't remember the exact adage but it kinda has the same thought as that...well that is soooo fuckin' true!!!

...something terrible happened over the weekend that the last thing that i need is a type of friend who would leave you when you need them the most...but things happen for a reason, maybe it's just a good thing as well that I already found out what a type of person he is..super depressing...

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...i would want to prepare this for him...

...oh well, i gotta stop, this is so not me....


...happy thoughts...more happy thoughts...

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...i'm getting back here by tuesday...something to keep me happy for the moment

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