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Thursday, June 14, 2007

a warm bath and having grace under so much pressure


"it's as if you climbed into a warm bath and are luxuriously relaxing, but you are being washed by your own reassuring thoughts rather than by water. You have a great capacity to create by simply focusing on the results and placing them in your mind's eye. Don't expect anything to happen overnight; it could take a few weeks to see real progress."

--- my horoscope for the day took the exact words from my mouth with what i need right now...a long , warm bath...this is the most pressured week i ever had in my 3-year stint as a corpo slave - first day with work was almost like a torture...

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...the big bosses are all here and just when i need to have all the "pogi points" in the world, my scores started slipping...the hell!!! good thing was able to come back up after 3 days or else i'm so screwed :)

...i looked super stress but still managed to do camwhorin'

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..and good thing Sanchia's back from a 1-week least I have someone to yell at :)

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...i'll be doing all these later :

1. get a haircut
2. eat lechon for lunch
3. finish the book that i'm reading
4. go to an officemate's children party
5. watch Fantastic Four
6. get a massage
7. and a lil' something somethin before hibernating

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..can't wait :)

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