...had a quick chat with a friend over AIM earlier...

we we're so happy with how our lovelife was going few weeks back then it suddenly took a complete turn and now it feels like we're going back to square one...ironically i'm using Euphoria by Calvin and i'm not feeling the same way...what's worst is the house classic "Happy" is playing in the background...oh well, life irony , it hits you when you least expect it :)
AlfredoMPHI [8:01 A.M.]: why are we not happy?
"kristine" [8:01 A.M.]: coz were already perfect by ourselves. maybe god thinks we don't need a significant other.
"kristine" [8:01 A.M.]: char!
AlfredoMPHI [8:01 A.M.]: depressing
AlfredoMPHI [8:02 A.M.]: seriously, why are we not happy?
"kristine" [8:02 A.M.]: i dunno. maybe were not really meant to be happy
"kristine" [8:02 A.M.]: do u think were nice people? do u think we deserve not to be happy?
AlfredoMPHI [8:02 A.M.]: jsut when i thought that i can be happy, it was all part of a precious illusion
AlfredoMPHI [8:03 A.M.]: i am nice...i can be a super bitch sometimes but i'm a good person
AlfredoMPHI [8:03 A.M.]: and i think i deserve to be happy
"kristine" [8:03 A.M.]: am nice too. n i deserve to be happy but how come were not?
AlfredoMPHI [8:04 A.M.]: riddle..riddle...i need cheesecake and some sex
AlfredoMPHI [8:04 A.M.]: and i wish it could be that easy to get 'em both...
"kristine" [8:05 A.M.]: i wish i know what i want. cant even think.
...i need someone to talk to over a bottle of vodka...nyone? drop me a line :)

***somebody wipe this poker face off of me...